Thursday, August 27, 2009

Microsoft in racial photoshopping incident

Microsoft Poland has edited an advertisement to remove a black man in the picture by replacing his head with that of a white head.

The original ad:

and the replaced head ad (without changing the hands!)

They didn't replace any of the other heads (that of the Asian man for example)
Some have said that in pairing a white man's head with a black man's hands, Microsoft is displaying a commitment to racial harmony. And others have suggested that the photo was altered at least in part because Microsoft's Polish site is intended for a country that's predominantly Caucasian. But that doesn't explain the company's decision to retain the Asian head. And many have criticized the company's decision to alter the photo - not to mention its photo editing skills.

Today, Microsoft responded by saying it was sorry. "We are looking into the details of this situation" The company has not addressed the laptop in the middle of the photo. It appears to be an Apple MacBook. But like the black man's head, the Apple logo seems to have gone missing.

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